Monday, October 12, 2009

Where to LIVE? And hookah rant...

Well, I got accepted, paid my $100 fee and picked my arrival date. I'm coming on January 25th. I am nervous because not many people are signed up for that day yet, but many people still haven't even applied so I think I'll be okay!

I want to figure out where I want to live. I originally wanted any apartment in any complex so long as it had a balcony. I assume that smoking isn't allowed inside the apartments themselves, but I figured a balcony would be nice because I could go out there and relax and unwind after work or in the evenings and smoke a hookah. But when I logged into the CP site, there was a very short list of what NOT to bring.

And yep...they very specifically say NO HOOKAHS. This is really disappointing. I am not blind and I know their reasoning behind the rule. I know that it is because it looks like paraphernalia and that in the past, most people who went there with hookahs were probably smoking weed out of it and being drunk and probably knocking it over and having the coals ruin carpets/floors/furniture/hurt someone/etc. I never smoke anything that isn't shisha (flavored tobacco, for hookahs) out of my hookah and I would never let a bunch of really messed up people around it because that is pretty much a recipe for disaster. It's really disappointing that people who are dumb about things ruin them for responsible people who use things the way they are MEANT to be used!

The only humor in this is that I complained about it on a hookah related forum and someone who is on that forum is the reason why they specifically say NO HOOKAHS. Here's a part his post:

"So how does this really surprise me? It appears they took one of my suggestions to heart. During the meeting I explained to them that those that smoke hookahs for legitimate purposes do not believe they are paraphernalia. Since hookahs were not specified in the documents provided for moving in, I assumed I would be alright, but Disney views them as paraphernalia. As a result, I suggested to them that they make it clear (spelled out) in their policies that hookahs are not permitted."

Basically what happened was he left his hookah on the balcony at his apt when he went to work while doing the PI, and an inspection happened that day and they found it and said it wasn't allowed and made him do a housing meeting. He said he checked the paperwork before he moved in and it didn't say not to bring hookahs so he suggested they make it clear...and they took his suggestion.

I pretty much hate the no hookah rule, but I am going to bring it and just keep it in my car trunk and find other places to smoke that are off Disney property. So...this basically means I don't really care where I live anymore. I think I might just go for Vista Way since it seems way more fun over there.

Well I guess I will stop complaining about this now.


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