Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Second Thoughts...

The CP seems to be getting closer and closer and closer every day, and even though I am really excited about it I keep finding myself getting LESS excited about it and more afraid, I guess.

The other day I budgeted out pretty much exactly how I am going to be spending my money from now until I leave for the CP in order to get all of my debts settled by then so that I don't have to worry about any more bills until May. Things are looking pretty tight until then.

And then the other thing is that I am afraid to be in a place so far away for four months. I don't want to not see my family or my friends or especially my boyfriend for all that time. Sure, visits are a possibility, but I know that they won't happen often enough to really keep me happy. And it's not like I will be making enough money to be able to afford a plane ticket to go home and visit if I want to.

I don't even know if I am actually going to be able to SAVE any money to have money to use for the first couple of weeks that I'm there. Just getting there is going to cost a bunch of money...gas, tolls, hotels, food, and not to mention the plane ticket that I have to buy for my boyfriend so that he can get back to Massachusetts after he leaves me all alone in Florida after accompanying me on the road :(

I guess this all sounds really negative. I know that things will probably be fun and awesome once I get there and I will meet people and make friends and everything will probably be fine, but every now and then I will think about doing the CP and start getting really irrationally upset about it and start crying and thinking about how I don't know if I can actually live on my own in Florida for four months. But at the same time, it's only four months and I need to get out of Boston for a little bit and I think it will be an overall good experience.

I just hope that once I get down there, I can make myself STAY down there.


Marina said...

Aw I'm sorry youre getting nervous! Things are definitely getting more real the closer we're getting to January! You have almost an entire month over me! I'm arriving January 6th! Eep!

Its scary but we'll have each other down there. Ive heard the number one reason people leave is because they get homesick. I mean, its a big deal to be away from everyone you love for that long but thats why we need to make a ton of friends and just be so busy having fun that we dont have extra time to worry about it!

Personally, I'm getting a webcam so me and my boyfriend can video chat when Im feeling extra lonely.

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