Monday, December 21, 2009

Work Location

Sooo I think I *might* know my work location. A girl who I used to work with is seasonal at WDW, and said that my work location is listed on The Hub as All-Star Resorts. Obviously this *could* change, but I am a little disappointed. I got the job I wanted the very least at the hotels I wanted the very least :(


Ashlie said...

Can you explain to me how your friend saw this? My friend who is seasonal also has access to the Hub and is curious...I couldn't explain to her the process.

Kristin said...

aw :( i just found your blog and i already feel bad! my roommate was a housekeeper, so if you have any questions i can try and answer them!

Jackie said...

Hey! I did college program in 2004 and it was the best experience of my life!!! I worked in merchandise in tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom...I'm so excited to see that you are going! Goodluck and enjoy...I can't wait to hear about all of your exciting adventures!

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