Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Well, I applied for Disneyland too. I'd prefer to be in Florida for a lot of reasons, but I'll take California if that's what I get. Besides, I think a West-Coast Adventure would probably be pretty nice, since it isn't someplace that I am really interested in spending a lot of time traveling to and definitely not interested in living there over the long term. But 6 months? I can do that, and it would probably be JUST enough time for me to enjoy it without getting sick of it.

Now, why couldn't my interview for the Disney World program have gone as good as my Disneyland interview?

The woman who interviewed me was SO sweet and nice. In between questions she talked to me about her kids and being from non-California states and she was just really friendly and personable. I liked her MUCH better than the person who did my Disney World interview. For DL, I checked off every role I would be willing to work in any capacity at all, and I said my top choices were custodial and full service restaurant.

She asked me around 10 questions relating to full service restaurant, so I think that if I get in, that is the job I am going to get. I have worked in a restaurant FOREVER, and my dad owns it which means that I am pretty much a slave there and have done EVERY SINGLE JOB that there is at our restaurant. Which, in interview terms means that I have a LOT of experience working in a restaurant.

I have heard that the Disneyland program is way more competitive since it is such a smaller place in general, but the irony of this is that I think I have a way better chance of being accepted by Disneyland than Disney World. I just have to wait and see!


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