Sunday, January 17, 2010


Aaaah last night I had a MAJOR meltdown/panic attack. I can't wait until I am on the road! Packing and getting ready to go has been so stressful, but once we're on the road, most of the major stress will be GONE!

I finished packing for the most part last night around 8pm and then my boyfriend and I were being crafty and making some soap to give as presents to his relatives in Ohio when we get there. I absolutely couldn't even concentrate slightly enough to figure out how to make soap (it isn't hard at all) and I ended up being a crying mess on the floor for most of the night. I am pretty embarrassed about it now, though! I ended up getting up at 5:30 this morning to finish making soap because we probably got a total of like 6 bars made last night, and we need about 40. But it's done! Whoo!

Tonight my mom is having a dinner party after I get out of work, and then we're hitting the road around 7pm! Thank god for adderall.


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