Packing is so overwhelming...I don't even feel like I am taking all that much stuff considering it's for four months, but it sure LOOKS like a lot! And I've barely even started yet...
Brian and I are leaving on Sunday night, and heading to Ohio to visit his family for a few days and then we are planning on getting to Florida on Friday afternoon. I can't believe it's already here, and it's really scary! Earlier I felt so overwhelmed with attempting to pack that I ended up just curling up in a ball on my bed and holding my cat and hysterically crying...what a scene that would have been if anybody had seen it.
I am really, really excited for the awesome opportunity to live at Disney World, but I feel like I am such a downer because I am so nervous about it. I feel really homesick and I didn't even leave yet. I feel like I am being so negative about everything, but I'm just really scared.
Last night I met up with some friends in Cambridge for a going away sort of thing. We went to Mr. Bartley's Burger Cottage in Harvard Square, which is something of a landmark in Cambridge. It's really touristy and uncomfortable and really not all that wonderful, but it is totally a Boston thing so I wanted to go there before I left.
Afterwards, we went to The People's Republik in Central Square, which is a bar that has a Soviet Russian theme and is awesome and cheap. I had a really good time, and I am going to miss all of my friends so much! I know I will make new friends in Disney, but it's so hard to leave the ones up here.
I think I just am worrying too much and over analyzing everything!
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